
Say Hello To 2025

As 2024 comes to an end and the holiday bustle settles down, a fresh year offers an opportunity to look back at the previous year and reflect on and look to the future with excitement. Over the course of an entire year, there’s always plenty of ups and downs. A year’s worth of experience carries… Read more »

How to Avoid Feelings of Loneliness During the Holidays

While the holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, for many seniors it can also stir up feelings of isolation and loneliness. The nature in which we connect with friends and family changes such as health and mobility are affected because of the aging process. It may become more difficult to be involved… Read more »

How Chilly Weather Affects Arthritis

How Chilly Weather Affects Arthritis   October 12 marked World Arthritis Day aimed at raising awareness around the existence and impact of all musculoskeletal diseases. Fittingly, this day falls in the autumn season where the colder air tends to amplify arthritis symptoms. Six million Canadians suffer from arthritis, which equals out to about 1 in… Read more »

A Day in the Life At Clover Living

At Clover Living, we work hard to ensure that our senior’s needs are met everyday. From health and wellness sessions and seminars, to activities and outings, to dining…let us walk you through a day in the life at our seniors community! Our residents start off their day with a freshly cooked meal in our dining… Read more »

Fall Preparation for Seniors and Older Adults

As the leaves begin to change colours and the air starts to chill, it’s a reminder that fall is quickly approaching. The change of weather also reminds us of challenges that older adults and seniors should prepare for to maintain an active lifestyle safely. For starters, consider getting a flu shot. Adults over the age… Read more »

World Senior Citizen Day – August 21, 2024

Since 1991, August 21 has been celebrated as World Senior Citizen Day! Senior Citizen Day offers an opportunity to appreciate our senior citizen population and celebrate their accomplishments. Estimates put that in Canada, roughly 7.6 million individuals are over the age of 65, which is a number that is expected to grow in the coming… Read more »

Active Living This Summer

Summer is finally in full swing, and with it comes many opportunities for enjoying the outdoors and staying active. Sunlight is a strong source of vitamin D, which is closely related to building and maintaining healthy bones, both of which are extremely important as older adults age. Vitamin D is also linked to other positive… Read more »

A Look Into Assisted Living at Clover Living

Unburden yourself from the responsibilities of home upkeep and start spending your time doing what you love. This is the idea behind our supportive living accommodations for residents who want to continue living as independently as possible, while maintaining access to services that meet their needs. Moving into a supportive living residency is also a… Read more »

Benefits of Independent Living at Clover Living

At Clover Living, we offer a variety of independent living amenities to relieve the burden of home upkeep and allow for more time spent engaging with the community and developing your own interests and hobbies. Our goal is to provide our residents with the level of support they need to enjoy life the way they… Read more »

A Guide to Downsizing For Seniors

There are many benefits to downsizing as a senior. Not only is there an amazing benefit to your mental health by reducing stress, but it can also help maintain a safer physical environment by reducing clutter and potential safety risks. Getting rid of your belongings can feel like an impossible task, but we believe it… Read more »

The Spirit of Lunar New Year

At Clover Living we love celebrating a variety of holidays, both in Eastern and Western cultures. Lunar New Year is certainly one of our biggest holidays (and most important)! 2024 marks the Year of the Dragon, which symbolizes power, nobility, luck and success. People born in the dragon years are observed to have natural courage, tenacity and intelligence.

Healthy Seniors Living, Inside & Out

The new year is officially in full swing, and with it comes new opportunities for improving your mental and physical health. At Clover Living, we believe that improving your overall health is the best way to maintain a happy and functional lifestyle.
